• blog,  Travel

    How To Expand Your Mind By Traveling

    Today’s post on expanding your mind by traveling is based on my recent trip to Peru. I have been lucky enough to travel to most of Europe and Asia but not South America. If I had more vacation time, I would have loved to visit Chile, Brazil, Colombia, and Bolivia. Nonetheless, I was lucky enough to visit Peru. Related Post – How to Pack a 10-day Trip to Peru in a Carry-on Bag So, in this posting, I would like to share with you the places I visited and what I learned during my visit to Peru. Air Travel It seems there is no direct flight from where I am,…

  • Fashion

    How to Style a White Long Summer Dress Fashionably

    Today’s post is about how to style a white long summer dress fashionably. I used not to wear a long dress, but as I got more comfortable and beat the hot weather, I found long dresses quite handy for summer. Mainly, they won’t stick to the skin so closely, therefore, giving us breathing room and long dresses can be very fashionable. I particularly like white during the summer to try to beat the heat. As you may know, white can reflect the sun and, therefore, absorb less sunlight to keep us cooler than other colors. Related Article – Why White is The Ultimate Summer Color White Dress There are many…

  • blog,  Travel

    How to pack a 10-day trip to Peru in a carry-on bag

    How to pack a 10-day trip to Peru in a carry-on bag is my post today. This post is based on what I packed for my trip to Peru. As always, I usually carry only a carry-on bag on a short trip. There are so many reasons I want to travel lightly, and I am sure many of you are the same. White T-Shirts The first things I packed were white T-shirts. 4 short-sleeved and 4 long-sleeved white T-shirts. My trip to Peru started on Friday and returned on Sunday, so it was a 10-day trip, including the travel days. On the first day, I spent most of the day…

  • holiday,  Shop

    Wonderful Gift Ideas For Celebrate Father’s Day

    Today’s Post is about wonderful gift ideas for celebrating Father’s Day. While the US government officially recognized Mother’s Day in 1913, Father’s Day had to wait until 1972. I have to admit Father’s Day is not like Mother’s Day because it hasn’t been promoted and is not as much as marketing. And it’s the fact that people spend more money on buying gifts for Mother’s Day than Father’s Day. Nonetheless, recently, there has been much more awareness about Father’s Day, and we would like to honor Father’s Day. Related Articles –History of Father’s Day Previous Post – Happy Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Unfortunately, since I haven’t had a father while…

  • Fashion,  Shop

    What I look for When Shopping for Beautiful clothes

    Today’s topic is what I look for when shopping for beautiful clothes. We shop, whether online or in-store. Shopping allows us to buy things we need and want, making us happy to some extent. I don’t care what others say, but I feel good when I shop, knowing I can afford it. It comes with a certain pride. However, it doesn’t mean I just spend money. I consider 5 things when I shop. Related Article – Why We Really Shop 1. Appearance The first thing I will consider is how it looks. How do I look in this outfit? I also want to see if it fits properly. Because each…

  • holiday,  Shop

    How to Celebrate Happy Mother’s Day With a Gift

    How to celebrate a happy Mother’s Day with a gift is today’s topic post. As Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching, many of you plan to take Mom out for the celebration and think of buying gifts. To get the gifts, you have to think about what to get. Of course, you also have to spend time getting gifts. So, it is more of a process you have to go through to buy gifts. Of course, you can simply buy gift cards. However, in my opinion, when you give a gift, it shows you care. It is more than monetary value. In this post, I would like to share what gifts…