• Beauty,  blog

    The Beauty Insider Holiday Savings Event Is Happening Now

    The beauty insider holiday savings event is happening now in Sephora stores. As you know, cosmetics rarely go on sale. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it is. However, we are getting a discount on Sephora from October 28 to November 7. To get a discount, you have to be a beauty insider member. Most of us who use Sephora to purchase beauty items are likely already members. If you are not, simply sign up here to become a member before checking out. Related Site Sephora Beauty Insider There are three membership levels, and you can get a discount accordingly. For example, VIB Rouge members get a 20%…

  • blog

    How to manage Influencer journey to Social Media

    How to manage influencer journey to social media is today’s topic I like to share. This is based on my journey, mainly on the experience of my social medial channel Instagram. So I have been on Instagram for a little over three years now. Initially, when I started posting on Instagram, I wanted to keep myself busy to overcome the grieving experience that made me depressed. Therefore, I wanted to focus on doing something like other than work. So fashionbykukanaana was born. In the beginning, I posted pictures and some quotes and started getting a few followers. And then, the pandemic came, and I ended up more time. That helped…

  • blog,  Life Style

    How To Create a Romantic Valentine’s Day Under The Pandemic

    It’s a question that everybody’s mind how to create a romantic Valentine’s Day under the pandemic since we have limited availabilities to do things. We had a high hope that we are able to do this year. However, more likely, we may not be able to do as many activities outside as we hope. On top of that, there won’t be many Valentine’s Day events that we can attend easily. Therefore, this year’s Valentine’s Day, we may have to put on our creative thinking hat had come up with something. Put a thinking hat and come up with ways to create a romantic Valentine’s Day. Be mine!!! So that this…

  • blog,  Life Style

    How to Spend Valentine’s Day at Home

    How to spend Valentine’s Day at home is today’s topic. Many of us are not comfortable going out these days. Even you are vaccinated, you may still feel uncomfortable. So if you decide to spend this special day at home, there are a few things you can do to make it enjoyable. Related Article – History of Valentines Day Four Ways Spend Valentines’s Day At Home 1. Decorate the House Even though you spend a day at home, decorate the house to celebrate and create a memorable day mood. The easier way to do it is to get some flowers, like roses, get balloons and get heart-shaped decorated items. These…

  • blog,  money

    How To Make Money By Consigning Your Wardrobe

    How to make money by consigning your wardrobe is today’s topic. As we enter the new year, many of us have organized our lives and come with resolutions. At that, I think one of the things most of us do is organize our wardrobe or bags. Related Article – Top 10 New Years Resolutions So how can you make money by consigning your wardrobes? I believe there are 3 ways to do so with a little bit of homework. Your homework goes through your closet and decides what to keep and consign. After t at, you need to sort through the clothes you want to consign into 4 batches. brand…

  • blog,  holiday

    How To Welcome The New Year 2022

    How to welcome the new year 2022 is today’s post. We had quite an interesting year in 2021. If you have read my blog post for a while, you may remember one of my posts about Why I Won’t Make New Year’s Resolutions This Year. I think I was in denial because of the pandemic’s many uncertainties that happened in 2020. Reflecting the Year 2021 So many things happened in the year 2021. First, the coronavirus we all thought would go away didn’t happen. It got stronger and interfered with our lives. There were bad, good, and ugly events that I didn’t want to go into details about. However, you…