• holiday,  Shop

    Affordable Holiday Gift Items from Amazon

    Affordable holiday gift items from Amazon to meet fast-approach holiday gift needs are today’s topic. Here I will focus mainly on value-driven things people enjoy that won’t break your budget. Moreover, if you procrastinate and wait until the last minute to shop, you will benefit from Amazon’s fast delivery. Of course, you will enjoy shopping in the comfort of at home. Related Article – Why Consumers Pick Amazon I will break down four categories of items, mainly for her, him, kids, and anyone you want to give something to. Affordable Holiday Gift Items for Her Most women expect to receive holiday gift items, fashion-related or beauty products. Also, it is…

  • holiday,  Shop

    Are You Ready For Fantastic Black Friday Shopping

    Are you ready for fantastic Black Friday shopping coming up soon? It is a tradition in the United States that Christmas shopping starts after Thanksgiving. However, I have mixed feelings about these days as retailers are ready for Christmas shopping after Halloween. However, many of us are prepared to start Christmas shopping after Thanksgiving. Related Article – Black Friday History Unlikely the Black Friday tradition, many of us go shopping in person; time has changed. More likely, many of us would do online shopping for many reasons. Therefore, in this post, I focus on several items you can shop from Amazon at your convenience. Black Friday Shopping At Amazon 1.…

  • holiday

    How to Celebrate Spooky Halloween

    How to celebrate spooky Halloween is today’s blog post topic. As we are slowly getting back to normal despite many changes in our lifestyle due to the pandemic, I have noticed we are eager to participate in any other activities more than ever. I guess we haven’t been able to do almost anything for 2 years, but now we are all ready to do something. I believe Halloween will be busy with trick and treat this year. Halloween origin Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to…

  • blog,  holiday

    How To Welcome The New Year 2022

    How to welcome the new year 2022 is today’s post. We had quite an interesting year in 2021. If you have read my blog post for a while, you may remember one of my posts about Why I Won’t Make New Year’s Resolutions This Year. I think I was in denial because of the pandemic’s many uncertainties that happened in 2020. Reflecting the Year 2021 So many things happened in the year 2021. First, the coronavirus we all thought would go away didn’t happen. It got stronger and interfered with our lives. There were bad, good, and ugly events that I didn’t want to go into details about. However, you…

  • holiday,  Shop

    What Items Made Me Happy For Shopping For a Holiday

    I want to share what items made me happy for shopping for a holiday in this post. Basically, I am a last-minute shopping person. I have no imagination; therefore, it is not easy for me to come up with gift items to shop easily. However, shopping is fun. Moreover, when I shop for the local business items I use, I feel I was helping a small local business, which made me happy. I have a few local business products I use regularly. So I thought, why not shop some of those items for the gifts. I feel the gift will be helpful. On top of that, I am helping local…

  • Fashion,  holiday

    How To Dress Up For A Happy Holiday

    How to dress up for a happy holiday that approaches rapidly is today’s post. As holidays are approaching, everybody is in a mood for decorating, shopping, sharing, volunteering, and thinking about gifts. And, of course, party outfits.  Related Articles – Holiday As Covid19 is still around, I think the holiday party may not be as it used to be. However, I also think many of us accept the situation and realize we can’t live the fear and like to go back to the life we used to know. Therefore, many of us will plan to attend a party or plan to host a party. Also, I believe during this time,…