• blog,  money

    How To Make Money By Consigning Your Wardrobe

    How to make money by consigning your wardrobe is today’s topic. As we enter the new year, many of us have organized our lives and come with resolutions. At that, I think one of the things most of us do is organize our wardrobe or bags. Related Article – Top 10 New Years Resolutions So how can you make money by consigning your wardrobes? I believe there are 3 ways to do so with a little bit of homework. Your homework goes through your closet and decides what to keep and consign. After t at, you need to sort through the clothes you want to consign into 4 batches. brand…

  • blog,  Life Style,  money

    When You Know You Became Financially Independent

    When do you know you became financially independent? This is a good question. Financially independent means may differ from person to person. Previously I wrote about the post When You Are On The Way Financially Independent, and I thought it might be an interesting follow-up post that you made it, and you know you become one. In this post, I am not going to write about what is financial independence means and what we should be doing to be financially independent. You can find this information from other blogs. There are plenty of financial blogs explaining how to achieve financial independence. I will write about what I think when you…

  • blog,  money

    Do You Believe Money Can Really Buy Happiness

    Do you believe money can really buy happiness? I think so to some extent, despite what we heard about money, that money is the root of evil. However, I have to say money is not the root of evil, and money can really buy happiness. In fact, there are many articles written about money and happiness, and many of them say money can buy happiness. Of course, I believe them. However, the issue is, it’s going to be a short satisfaction and appreciation sort of happiness if you do not understand how to use money. If you are the slave of money, it will not bring you the last content…

  • blog,  money

    Why I Compare A 5 Inch High Heel To A Risky Investment

    Why do I compare a 5-inch high heel to a risky investment? Some of you may have seen my profile on Instagram that I am into100% prosperity and happiness. So it is natural that I am interested in money matters as well as investing. You can find out a little bit more about me here.  Related post – About Me I am very much into women’s economic power: women, money, and power, that sort of thing. We, women, tend to shy away about investment. I mean, shy away deciding money even though we work and earn money. There are so many articles written about “women and money.” In fact, Suze…

  • Life Style,  money

    When You Are on the Way Financially Independent

    What is financial independence? And when will you know when you are on the way financially independent.? When I search “what is financial independence,” 57,400,000 Results are showing up. So, finance is a very hot topic. It is more likely people’s mind. According to Wikipedia, Financial independence is the status of having enough income to pay one’s living expenses for the rest of one’s life without being employed or dependent on others. Income earned without having to work a job is commonly referred to as passive income. So in this sense, you don’t actually have to work. You are generating income without working. Related Article – Wikipedia – Financial Independence So how can you generate income…

  • Life Style,  money

    How to Save Money by Saving Time

    Today’s post, “how to save money by saving time,” is based on time is money. We all hear “time is money” very often. Do you believe it? Well, let me tell you, I think that’s true. I did “google” search time is money, and there are several articles show up. Here are a few. Related Post – 5 Reason Why Time is Money Related Post – Time is Money If you can save time, you can do two things with it. First, spend the saved time to make more money. And if your expense stays the same, you can make more money that can be saved. Secondly, you can do…