Do You Believe Money Can Really Buy Happiness
Do you believe money can really buy happiness? I think so to some extent, despite what we heard about money, that money is the root of evil. However, I have to say money is not the root of evil, and money can really buy happiness. In fact, there are many articles written about money and happiness, and many of them say money can buy happiness. Of course, I believe them. However, the issue is, it’s going to be a short satisfaction and appreciation sort of happiness if you do not understand how to use money. If you are the slave of money, it will not bring you the last content happiness. Because you are eager to make more money, all your life will revolve around money that you can’t enjoy the money.
So let’s figure out our very unique relationship with money and why I think money can bring some happiness in your life.
Related post – People Are Happier when They Earn More Money

Do You Believe Money Can Buy Happiness?
When I said at the beginning of this post, “do you believe money can really buy happiness?” what is the first thing pop into your mind. Is it “yes” or “no?” The answer might be different at what stage of life you are in. If you feel you are successful, that you make enough money, your answer might be “yes.” At any rate, everybody is entitled to his or her opinion, and I am simply saying my point of view that I think money can buy happiness based on how you use money. Of course, how you perceive money, you can agree or disagree with my point of view.
Money Can Buy Happiness Factor
1. sense of pride
I am certain when you can afford to buy things without much worry about money, giving you a sense of pride. The pride that you made it, that you are good at what you do in your profession since you are making enough money. Of course, that leads to the feeling of success – you are successful. You can afford things.
The ways to make money, in a broad sense, will be either working hard to generate income or investing something to generate passive income. Either way, you are making money. You are successful, and that sense of pride can bring happiness.
Related topic – Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness, The Motley Fool Investment Guide
2. control of your life
When you have money, you can afford to take a chance. In turn, you are much more in control of your life. That will make you happier. So that aspect money can buy happiness. Let’s assume something happens that you lost your job. However, you have savings; you have money in your bank account, therefore, you won’t panic. You can take time to evaluate and find other job or even venture out start own business. If you have health issues that require your time and energy to take care of them, you need money. If you have money, you don’t have to worry. You can control your life, which should make you happier than worrying.
Of course, sometimes, even you have enough money, some health issues you can’t solve. That’s why I think to be happy our health is a must. At that, it is the number one ingredient. However, you also need money to be happy, in my opinion.
Related article – What Do We Need To Be Happy?

If you have money, you can also take advantage of investment opportunities. For example, let’s talk about when the housing market crashed a few years back. If you have money, you could have taken an opportunity and benefit from it. If a business opportunity presents and if you have money, the decision is yours. You control, not money controls you.
3. make you a better person
I also believe having enough money can make you a better person. In my opinion, when you don’t have to worry about money, you are more relaxed and happier. Thus, you are more likely engaged in other affairs. You likely pay attention to what’s happening around you. You can pursue your hobbies, take classes you like to learn more about.
When you have money, you also want to help causes that you believe in. You have enough money; why not contribute something you believe in? It makes you feel good. It makes you a better person knowing that you care.
4. better quality of life
When you have more money, your life quality improves. For example, you can eat healthily. In order to eat healthily and if you want to shop for organic food, it costs more money. To go on vacation requires money. Of course, you can also hire a trainer to help your workout, it also requires money. Overall, money can buy convenience. Your life quality improves.
You can live nice well-equipped modern house than a small apartment. You can drive a better car than the one breaks down all the time. You can try restaurants. Your life qualify differently is going to be better with money.
Related post – When You Are on the Way Financially Independent

Money Can Buy Happiness Conclusion
So what do you think? Do you like to lead a quality life, eat better, dress better, and live in a modern house? Do you want to contribute money to the cause you believe in? Do you want to be able to control your life better?
With money, you can lead to a better life, control your life better and by doing so, you become a better person. You are also happy because of pride that you made it. Self-esteem and self-confidence that you need to be happy.
So in my opinion, money is tool. And it is up to you, how to use it. So if you can use it properly, it will lead to a better life and happy life. Money can buy happiness. In that, I rather be rich than poor.
Cheers 🎈🎈🎈