How to be productive when you work remotely

How to be productive when you work remotely. Under the pandemic, many of you work remotely and may miss the interaction with colleagues. On top of that, you are juggling many things since the overall community we used to know is not working what it used to be. Whether you live alone or with family, you may all experience some challenges. However, you still have to earn money and better make it productive.
Here are 8 things you can do to be productive when you work remotely.
1. Dress Up
Even though you are working at home remotely, your mindset is important. So dress up as if you are going to go to the office. It doesn’t have to be official suits anything like that, but a comfortable yet presentable outfit. Don’t work in pajamas. Do wear comfortable leggings with a warm sweater or cardigan. 2021 New fashion is all yoga outfits or sweat pants and tops that can be fashionable.
Here are a few yoga outfits I think you find useful. It’s comfortable yet, fashionable.
2. Creat Daily To-do List to be productive
Instead of just starting working at your desk, create a “daily to-do list” and work as if you are accomplishing the deadline. You are working remotely, and even though you are conducting zoom meetings, it is not likely you are interacting with your peers or getting feedbacks continuously. It is a delayed reaction. And if you are using emails or team chats more instead of calling. Sometimes, email and chat can create misunderstandings. So creating a “to-do list” will stay focused.
3. Communicate with Colleague
It’s crucial that we also communicate via phone instead of email and team chat. I mean, we need to talk and hear the voice. Since you can’t walk to the office to speak to – you usually could, under the typical circumstance, if you work in the office; however, since we work remotely, schedule a call. That way, you both know the telephone call is going to happen and stay in course. And of course, you will prepare what discussion you like to have.
4. Take a Break
When you work in the office, you have a coffee break, chat with colleagues to fresh up your mind. The break is essential. As if you are working in the office, you will organize the break time so that you are not stuck in one place all the time, which is not productive.
5. Eat Proper Lunch

Because you work at home, that doesn’t mean you eat on the couch. Still plan to have a proper sit-down lunch and prepare. You can even order a lunch box kit if you like. Or it may be the time to go out to pick up lunch and get some fresh air. Many of you are working at home; sometimes, you may be tempted to running errands in between. If that’s possible, you still can. However, keep the time in mind and treat it like a short project you need to get done. So that you can still get back to your work, meaning there are errands you can run during lunchtime and some not, so manage that. It would be best if you still stayed in a working mood.
6. Monitor Work Load
To be productive, I believe you also need to monitor the workload. Sometimes, you ended up saying “yes” to everything and not focusing on the foremost essential task. I will say so when you create your daily to-do list, you can monitor your workload.
7. Write Down Accomplishment
As you are ready to close your day, take a moment to write down what you accomplish and check off your to-do list if that’s done. I think it is important to see the work is done. You may not get the feedback you used to get ready, so check your progress will help the sense of work well-down.
8. Plan Tomorrow
As you review what your daily to-do list was and how much you accomplish, jot down things you want to finish but haven’t, and prioritize the task. It will save you time the next day when you create your to-do list. It will also give you the most important task you like to accomplish. I suggest you pick 2-3 most. I know that when I work, I get the sidetrack as well. But I know my two main tasks and I always go back to those. That’s what gives me my most income.
It’s hard for us to stay focused when you work remotely. Even though you set up your workspace properly, there will be so many distractions. Even though you live alone without any pets whatsoever, there will still be distractions.
However, by going through these 8 steps, I hope you will be able to make work remotely situation better and cope with work situation until things get back to the way it was.
Until then, wear a mask, wash hand often, and keep the social distance of 6 feet.
Stay safe 🎈🎈🎈

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