How to Celebrate New Year’s Eve Under the Pandemic
How to celebrate New Year’s eve under the pandemic? A good question! We can’t go out; we can’t gather. Every day we hear depressing news. Coronavirus is everywhere. Especially last few weeks, all we hear is death toll numbers and not enough hospital beds for sick people. However, there must be a way we can still feel a new year is coming and keep our spirit high and celebrate the new year. So, I want to share what I plan to do with you, and I hope some of you find this is something you can relate to and find interesting, make a modification to fit your circumstance, and hope you still enjoy new year’s eve.
Prepare a Feast
So how to celebrate New Year’s Eve, the first thing is by preparing a nice meal. Even though I don’t cook that much and don’t cook well, I always have someone who can cook better than me and enjoy cooking. Therefore, I just haven’t seen any reason to cook or learn to cook. Despite having said that, I have to say; there are a few things I cook very well. One of these is my famous bow-tie pasta. This bow-tie pasta recipe comes from World Cafe, located in Venice, CA. I had a meal there and really liked it, so I asked a chef to give me a recipe. And I think I make it better. The reason I can make it better is purely cost. As a restaurant, they have to make it profitable, so the restaurant can’t put too much of everything. However, I can. I don’t cook to make money. I cook to entertain people I know and have a good time enjoying a good meal. Therefore, the cost is irrelevant. If you like to get a recipe, please comment and leave your email, and I will send it to you. However, if you are a good cook, prepare it. Are you planning to cook a Turkey or ham? If you are not planning to cook, take it out. There are plenty of good restaurants that will do “take out.” You can download the apps; you can google it or www.m.yelp.com to find out the restaurants.
Dress up to Celebrate New Year’s Eve
The next step to how to celebrate New Year’s is to dress up. Even though it’s a small gathering or you may be alone due to not traveling, but still dress up to get into the mood. Mainly, I dress up to make myself feel good, not that I am making someone else feel good. Have you noticed when you dress up, you feel more confident? You feel happier and tackle obstacles coming along more cheerfully. I think I will wear something sequin or something sparkling. There may be music and a lovely smell of candle burning.
Celebrate with Zoom Meeting
New Year’s Eve is all about celebrating and ready for the new year with people you love and care about. The earliest record shows that new year’s festivities dated back some 4,000 years to ancient Babylon. In many countries, New Year’s celebration begins on December 31 and has traditional New Year’s Eve meals and has certain customs to bless a new year for financial success and health.
Unfortunately, this year we might not be able to gather together to celebrate. If you can’t be with people you want to celebrate the new year’s eve, you can still rely on the technology and do the zoom meeting. I have to say since zoom is a great way to communicate with people. I know we can use “face talk” with our iPhone, but zoom allows several people to be able to participate at the same time. Even though I feel zoom stock is overpriced, I am 100% happy with what zoom can do for us. So set-up a zoom meeting with people you want to toast champagne.
So who invented champagne? Well, we heard about Dom Perignon. However, he was not the one who invented it, but he was responsible for numerous improvements that made champagne a delicious and bubbly drink. If you like to find out more about champagne, here it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champagne If you want to drink champagne but can’t gather with others, it’s unlikely you will be able to finish a bottle. I recommend you get the champagne stopper. I discovered this last year, and it works.

Send out an e-mail to People I want to stay connected in the mid-night
I also send out an email at mid-night to my friends or people I want to stay in touch with. Of course, it’s absolutely your choice, especially if you are not a night person, you may not stay up late. This year, I may post something on my Instagram since chance is more likely I will stay at home instead of going out, not like any other year, this year is different.
After I send out emails, I make my new year’s resolution before I go to bed. I don’t know it’s resolution. It is always the same five areas I want to accomplish, but I reflect, check my progress, and rewrite or modify them for the new year. Here are my five areas: career, health, finance, personal improvement, and relationship. But I think it’s all related. If I do well in my career, my finance will be adequate. If I take care of my health, my employment will go well since I can put more time and energy to work efficiently. It’s interesting, though. Depending on the year, even though I want to balance five areas, I seem to focus on one area more than the other, especially when I had an accident and went through the recovery. I wasn’t concerned about any other areas of health.
Following some Chinese New Year’s Eve tradition
This may sound silly to some of you guys, but this is another thing I am planning to do to celebrate New Year’s Eve under the pandemic is a few Chinese traditions. Before I am ready to go to bed, I am going to a few Chinese traditions that the Chinese do on new year’s eve that I hear all the time. The truth is, I don’t know this is really what they do. Chinese New Year Eve is also different from our New Year’s Eve because the Chinese have the Lunar year calendar. But I don’t care since I don’t celebrate Lunar New Year’s Eve. But I feel no harm will be done, and I will have fun so that I will do it. One of those is making noise with pots and pans, celebrating the incoming new year with noise.
So this is my plan for how to celebrate New Year’s Eve under the pandemic. I post every Monday and Thursday, so drop by again. In case if you missed my last post here, it is. https://fashionbykukanaana.com/how-to-make-your-skin-glow.
2020 has been difficult in many ways, and there is still uncertainty that what will bring us 2021. Yet, I still feel we should always celebrate New Year’s Eve with people we care about. If we can’t be together, we still are together via zoom.
Have a beautiful New Year’s Eve. Wear a mask, wash hands often, and keep the social distance of 6 feet! I hope 2021 brings a better life for all of us.
Thank you for reading and check back again.
cheers 🎈🎈🎈
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