How to Save Money by Saving Time
Today’s post, “how to save money by saving time,” is based on time is money. We all hear “time is money” very often. Do you believe it? Well, let me tell you, I think that’s true. I did “google” search time is money, and there are several articles show up. Here are a few.
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Related Post – Time is Money
If you can save time, you can do two things with it. First, spend the saved time to make more money. And if your expense stays the same, you can make more money that can be saved. Secondly, you can do other things that can make you happy that money can’t buy but didn’t have time to do it since you spend that time to make money. So if you spend extra time for work to generate more money, it’s time is money.
The question becomes what can you do to do save time so that you can save money. There are several things you can automatically do that save time. Let’s explore.

Things You Can Do to Save Money by Saving Time
1. How to Save Money By Creating Financial automation
The first thing we can do is automate everything possible we can, and many of you may already do so. Here are things you can automate.
A. Direct Deposit
This is the fundamental concept, and most of the company offers this option these days. Your paycheck is automatically deposited into it when you sign up for the direct deposit. You don’t have to go to the bank to deposit, therefore, save time.
B. Automatic Billpay
This is another technology invention that makes our lives easier. You can set-up automatic bill pay from your bank to pay automatically, which saves your time and is safe. Mail can get stolen, and with paper bills, you have to open up the mail that takes your time.
C. Auto Set-up Your Investment Account
Most of us automatically set aside money for our company-sponsored retirement plan, like 401(K), because it is done in conjunction with our paycheck. And along with it, many of you might have investment accounts. If so, I suggest that you invest automatically. Since you can’t time the market, by doing so, if the day you auto-invest, the market is up; you may end up buying fewer shares. However, if the market is down, you end up getting more shares. You can call this “dollar-costing-average.” This helps you not only building saving habits but also saving time. And your investment will grow better in the long run since you can’t time the market.
D. Set-up e-bill Request
We tend to read our emails every day, so it’s easier for you to set up e-bill requests. Any places that offer e-bill, I will suggest that you set it up to save the time to sort through mails.
E. Create Financial e-Folders for Your e-mail
We get many emails every day. To keep it in order, I suggest that you create a financial folder on your email. All the information or emails can be stored there to review and take action later if need to.
By doing financial automation, you save time, and that time you can do something else to do more productive. And if you like, you can make more money with your extra time.
2. How to Save Money by Creating Fashion Automation

A. Color Code or Set up by Season Your Closet
This is the concept based on how much time we can waste in the morning before going to the office. It may have changed for the time being so many of us working at home, remotely. Once you set up your closet either based on your outfit’s color or based on season, you can save time.
For instance, the majority of my outfits are black. So my closet is set up in a color-coded way. For example, I have all my black suits and coats are hung on one side. The other side of the closet on the top contains all my black blouses, shirts, etc., and the bottom part contains skirts and shorts. My gray or dark color clothes are together. My bright colored clothes are put together. In California where the weather is warm, I may be able to do this. However, if you live in 4 season weather environment, you may set it up as season based.
Closet Organizer Help – Closet Organizer Help, Closet Organizer Shelves, Shoe Organizer, Closet Organizer Pants Hangers
B. Prep Your Weekly Wardrobe in the Advance
The other way to save time is every week; you can prepare a weekly outfit in advance. This will help to save time since you know exactly what you will be wearing. You may have heard that Steve Jobs wore the same clothes every day. He wore the same black turtleneck, blue jeans, and New Balance sneakers every day. By preparing what you will wear in advance, you save your brainpower and save time that can be used to do a better thing.
Related Article – Why Successful People Wear Same Thing Every Day
C. Buy the Items You Like More Than One
The other thing you can do is to buy items you like and regularly use more than one. For example, you found something you like, and that’s something you will wear very often; I suggest buying more than one. For example, I usually buy my white T-shirt more than once when I ready to replace my old ones. You are going to save time buy items you like in bulk. More likely also you will be buying those on sale so that you can save money too. Not only that, if you like that particular item, you don’t have to hunt it down later if you like to get it again.
Affiliate Link – Madewell T-shirt & Madewell short sleeve T-shirt
D. Automate your dry cleaning by using free pick-up/delivery services
If you wear certain material outfits and need to be dry clean regularly and often, you can save time and money by arranging free automatic pick-up and delivery services. Many dry cleaners offer this service nowadays; it just takes a little research on your part and can save time and money.
3. How to save money by creating an Automatic Lifestyle to-do List
Another way to save money is to create an automatic monthly “to-do list” to save time. For example, there are big sales at certain times that allow saving money. That could be on your list. Usually, we review our life year-end and our finance before filing taxes. So if you can review that once you create the list, it gets easier because you review and either add or delete what you don’t need.
This list is based on your life preference-based so it could include annual subscriptions, insurance renewal, or club membership, that if you pay late, you may have to pay the penalty. By creating the list, you can pay attention to bills and avoid the penalty, therefore, save money.
Automation Planning Tool – Ideal Planner, Monthly Weekly Planner, Smarter Planner Pro

How to Save Money Conclusion
How to save money by saving time? To save money is to save time, so the goal is to make it easier to remember things that you don’t have to waste time on and automated with technology to save your time and save money.
The more and more things you can automate, the more time and money you can save. By doing so, you can save time, and the result is saving money, which will make your life easier. So, to save money, automate your finance, automate your wardrobe and automate the lifestyle you want to create, therefore save money and time.
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