Fashion,  Life Style

My life as a part-time blogger

My life as a part-time blogger is somewhat distorted. I wish I could spend more time, but for now, this is all that I can handle. As I start learning and be able to spend my time more effectively, my blog will get better and better. However, for now, I am trying to learn as much as I can. Of course, I try to do my best to improve so that it can bring some values for my readers.

My normal work day

So my life as a part-time blogger goes like this. I work very demanding positions in the top fortune 100 companies. So during workdays, most of my time is consumed with work. When I come back home and finish my dinner, it’s almost 9 p.m. I usually like to practice my cello every day, even if it’s 30 minutes, so as you can see, my weekdays are generally gone.

life style blogger

Being blogger

The only time I can plan and prepare for being a blogger is during the weekends. In the beginning, I simply started out posting pictures on Instagram. As I began posting photos, to my surprise, I started gaining some followers. I got more interested in all aspects of Instagram, and that’s what leads to do

I am a lifestyle/fashion blogger. Therefore, I want my content to reflect that. However, there were a few things that changed ever since I started blogging.

  • taking a picture every opportunity I get
  • visiting more museums or art galleries
  • thinking about monetizing my blog

Since I love art, music, and fashion, visiting art galleries or museums is what I should have done, but I started doing more. However, for sure, I take more pictures that I used to. Of course, I spend more time on social media to learn. It has been challenging and curious during the pandemic since I can’t go anywhere. However, I am hoping I will be able to build my blog.

Before clients meeting, quick picture in the lobby

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