Why Self-care Is More Important Than Ever
Why is self-care more important than ever? Well, you guessed it. We are busy and often forget to do it because we take many things for granted. I am an example of it. Why do we only reflect and think when something happens? Any it may be already too late.
So far in my life, I have had three major near-death events. Two of them, I was young, that I barely think of it; however, my last major accident wasn’t. Some of you might have seen it. I talk about it on my Instagram. In my mental health, I had two major events. And both times, losing someone and thinking about life made me lonely, and I was isolated for a while until I decided to keep myself busy instead of being sorry for myself. My blog and Instagram were the results of it.
Why Is Mental Self-Care Becoming Important?
And now, we need to care for ourselves more than ever with these uncertain times. In fact, if you google “what’s happening with people during the pandemic,” you will see several articles, especially many focusing on our mental health. So why is there so much concern about our mental health?
I think mainly us human beings are not supposed to be isolated. We live in a community with people. Also, many times, we show our affection through physical touch. However, with the pandemic, that changed. Some of you might indeed have been working remotely since last March. It’s well over a year now, and it’s alarming; and since many of us have not been having regular interaction with people, you may feel isolated. Yes, feel LONELY.

In fact, the Economist cover even said “Why are people in the rich world so lonely?”
Related Article: Seven Ways the Pandemic Is Affecting Our Mental Health
I also believe the other event that triggers all of this is an economic impact during the pandemic. Some of the industries are doing well, but many suffer, like small businesses and especially restaurants. Recently it has been opening up more, but then we have different issues to handle with.
So what can we do to take care of ourselves when self-care is more important than ever. When I am talking about self-care, it is not only physical well-being but also being well mentally.
Physical and Mental Self-care
1. Self-Care Exercise
Yoga has become very popular. And during the pandemic, many studios offer zoom yoga. Of course, you can also subscribe to streamline yoga studio too. If you don’t know, you can search “digital yoga studios” and find yoga places that offer yoga that you can do remotely. With the vaccine, now more and more yoga studios offer outdoor or even indoors. You may be able to find the studios that offer outdoor yoga now.
Yoga Outfits: Ribbed Seamless Yoga Outfits, 5 pcs Fitness Yoga Outfits, Fashionable Yoga Outfits
Walking is the simplest and the least expensive exercise you can do. If you can find hiking areas or near-neighbor park, put on your music and walk for at least 30 – 45 minutes. It’s good for health. Of course, if you are a runner, you can run.
Best Walking/running shoes: Ryka Women’s Walking Shoe, New Balance FuelCore, Dr. Scholl’s
The other simple exercise you can do is dancing. Everybody can dance easily as long as you upbeat music. And if you want to try something new or want to come up with some steps, watch TikTok or Instagram; there are plenty you can try.
Dancing: Dancing Fitness Workout 08, Dance That Walk, Dancing 4 Fitness & Fun

2. Beauty Self-Care
Skin Care
I think it boosts when you pamper yourself, and unfortunately, in the given circumstance, you have to take precautions. Moreover, many of you are not going to go spa or other alternative places to take care of yourself. Therefore, many things you have to do yourself. You can see more about it by clicking the link listed below.
Related Post: 7 Amazon Skin Care Items Worth Try Now
Hand and Foot Self-Care
Since we can’t go nail salons as freely as we did previously, many of you might have to take care of yourself. If you are open to going massages and you can get some help there, but if not, here are few items that can help with your self-care.
Hand and Foot Care: 5 Pairs Hand Mask, Sanitizer Hand Wipes, Manicure & Pedicure Set, Foot Peel Mask

Eye Care
Another area we have to pay attention to is our eyes. Since we are more working remotely without interaction with people, we tend to spend more time in front of a computer. I noticed my eyes tired and dry. I am using eyes drop to keep my eye not too get dry too much. And I think it will be a good idea to use an eye mask while we sleep.
Eye Care Items: Steam Eye Mask, OCuSOFT Lid Scrub Original, Pre-Moistened Pads, Thera Tears Liquid Gel Nighttime Dry Eye Therapy
3. Mental Self-Care
As I mentioned in the beginning, our mental health becomes more and more a big topic these days. This is an essential self-care item. So how can you calm yourself when you hear all the negativities going around?
Many of you doing yoga might have been exposed to meditation. However, there is a slight difference that yoga involves both physical and mental, where else meditation is all about concentrating. Also, I have been told that you have to practice with experienced meditation practice; if not, it could create some issues. Yet, I don’t know that’s true or just saying it increases people’s pay to learn.
Related Article: Difference Between Yoga And Meditation
Even though I can’t tell you about meditation, I can tell you about music. When I was a teen, my parents were divorced, and if I didn’t have music, I am not sure I would be where I am now. With music, I was able to overcome my confusion, loneliness, and feeling of guilt. Music, I do believe, can change our mood. Have you notice depending on what music you listen to, for sure your mood can change.
Related Article: Music Therapy Treatment
Reading Books
Reading self-care or self-motivational books can be good mental self-care. Through books, you can gain experience from someone else’s wisdom. Also, when you read motivational books, it sure will create energy and positive mental capability.
Self-care books: Self-Care Solutions,, Finding Your Path Through Self-Care
Develop Hobbies
The other way to keep your mental health is by developing hobbies. The hobbies you develop would be something you can totally focus on. Thus, you have something to do that will make you less lonely. Not only are you learning something, and also a feeling of accomplishment gives you much happiness. So take upon painting, playing a musical instrument, learning sewing, or doing puzzles, it doesn’t matter, start doing.
Related Article: Find a New Hobby Lockdown
Self-Care Conclusion
Why is Self-care more important than ever? Under the pandemic that has lasted longer than any of us expected, it brought us uncertainty. Our lives changed forever. Of course, any of us ever expected we have to wear a mask and can’t go out freely. We have to worry about meeting people. We have to keep social distancing, and we are not used to it.
Of course, slowly, things will be under control, yet, changes we have been coping with remain. All the stress, anxiety, resentment, the feeling of despair, and loneliness will continue. Because of that, we have to find a way to cope with and stay healthy mentally and physically. That leads us to care more about self-care ever. To maintaining our well-being, we need to find a balance. Therefore, self-care becomes essential.
Stay safe. Wear a face mask and keep a social distance of 6 feet.