• self-care, learning to play a cello
    Life Style

    Why Self-care Is More Important Than Ever

    Why is self-care more important than ever? Well, you guessed it. We are busy and often forget to do it because we take many things for granted. I am an example of it. Why do we only reflect and think when something happens? Any it may be already too late. So far in my life, I have had three major near-death events. Two of them, I was young, that I barely think of it; however, my last major accident wasn’t. Some of you might have seen it. I talk about it on my Instagram. In my mental health, I had two major events. And both times, losing someone and thinking…

  • blog,  money

    Why I Compare A 5 Inch High Heel To A Risky Investment

    Why do I compare a 5-inch high heel to a risky investment? Some of you may have seen my profile on Instagram that I am into100% prosperity and happiness. So it is natural that I am interested in money matters as well as investing. You can find out a little bit more about me here.  Related post – About Me I am very much into women’s economic power: women, money, and power, that sort of thing. We, women, tend to shy away about investment. I mean, shy away deciding money even though we work and earn money. There are so many articles written about “women and money.” In fact, Suze…

  • blog

    What Do You Need to Start a Blog

    What do you need to start a blog? Well, blogging is hot. Many people are talking about making extra money, especially during the Pandemic, when we have more time on our hands. Therefore, everybody talks about blogging. And blogging doesn’t seem that we have to have lots of capital need to start. Of course, the other issue is our business model is changing, and we see tremendous opportunities in social media and internet business. So it seems that blogging is one of the hot things to do. It seems that blogging along with social media – Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok’s not only mega-influencers but how micro-influencer can make money these days.…