• blog,  Life Style

    Why I won’t make new year’s resolutions this year

    What the year 2020!!! And let me tell you why I won’t make new year’s resolutions this year. We all make some resolutions every year, so I hear. However, the New Year’s resolutions we make, less than 8% of people actually stick to them each year. Here is the article posted in New York Post. www.nypost.com/new-years-resolutions-last-exactly-this-long/ Yet, millions of Americans continue to set goals with high hopes that the incoming year will be better. I don’t blame them. Why not! After all, it’s a new year; we start with a clean sheet of paper to fill in. However, as time goes, we get back to our normal self. I fell…

  • holiday,  Life Style

    How to Celebrate New Year’s Eve Under the Pandemic

    How to celebrate New Year’s eve under the pandemic? A good question! We can’t go out; we can’t gather. Every day we hear depressing news. Coronavirus is everywhere. Especially last few weeks, all we hear is death toll numbers and not enough hospital beds for sick people. However, there must be a way we can still feel a new year is coming and keep our spirit high and celebrate the new year. So, I want to share what I plan to do with you, and I hope some of you find this is something you can relate to and find interesting, make a modification to fit your circumstance, and hope…