• blog,  Life Style,  money

    When You Know You Became Financially Independent

    When do you know you became financially independent? This is a good question. Financially independent means may differ from person to person. Previously I wrote about the post When You Are On The Way Financially Independent, and I thought it might be an interesting follow-up post that you made it, and you know you become one. In this post, I am not going to write about what is financial independence means and what we should be doing to be financially independent. You can find this information from other blogs. There are plenty of financial blogs explaining how to achieve financial independence. I will write about what I think when you…

  • Fashion,  Life Style

    My life as a part-time blogger

    My life as a part-time blogger is somewhat distorted. I wish I could spend more time, but for now, this is all that I can handle. As I start learning and be able to spend my time more effectively, my blog will get better and better. However, for now, I am trying to learn as much as I can. Of course, I try to do my best to improve so that it can bring some values for my readers. My normal work day So my life as a part-time blogger goes like this. I work very demanding positions in the top fortune 100 companies. So during workdays, most of my…