Why I Compare A 5 Inch High Heel To A Risky Investment

Why do I compare a 5-inch high heel to a risky investment? Some of you may have seen my profile on Instagram that I am into100% prosperity and happiness. So it is natural that I am interested in money matters as well as investing. You can find out a little bit more about me here.
Related post – About Me
I am very much into women’s economic power: women, money, and power, that sort of thing. We, women, tend to shy away about investment. I mean, shy away deciding money even though we work and earn money. There are so many articles written about “women and money.” In fact, Suze Orman wrote a book titled “Women & money: owning the power to control your destiny.”
I have been wondering why there hasn’t been an easy way for us to learn about investment. Most of the articles written by investment analysts tend to dry and talks about beta and alpha. Also, how the projected return would be based on those, I thought it might be an idea to compare the investment to our heels. I thought it is a cool and simple idea. I hope you like it.
More About Suze Orman – Suze Orman
Why Compared to 5 Inch Red High Heel

Thrill of 5 inch high heels
Well, I don’t know about you guys. However, when I wear high heels, I enjoy being feeling sexy and feeling powerful. Have you heard about “Heights and Power”? I think for sure, wearing high heels makes me looking taller and feeling powerful. By wearing heels not only adding instant heights but also making me stand up straight, especially when you wear super high heels.
Related Book – Tall and Small – A Book About Heights, Growing Up Small
On top of that, I also have to walk extra carefully that generates attention too. On the other hand, it has a risky factor. By wearing super high heels, I can trip over and may break my ankle. If I go out for a date and the guy happens to be short, he may feel threatened.
So wearing a high heel has its advantages as well as disadvantages. The investment that can give a high return also has high risk, like wearing high heels.
Disadvantage of High Heels
So now, and you have it. High tech stocks will bring high returns, but they may also make to lose all our money. Like wearing 5 inch high heels, there are lots of thrills but also lots of risks. People may think you are a high maintenance person, and if a guy happens to be short than average height, you being taller may create insecurity.
That’s why I compare 5 inch red high heels to risky investments. We can enjoy a feeling of being sexy, powerful, all that. When we invest in high-tech stocks, it can bring a high return. Therefore, we feel smart and powerful. However, the downside is that we can also lose money if the stock didn’t perform as well, like having to be extra careful to walk when we wear super high heels.
So 5 inch high heels like investing high tech stock. It could bring a high return, but it also could make us lose all our money. On the contrary, wearing flats like investing a very conservative investment, like a money market. It doesn’t really give you any return but also very little chance we would lose money. In reality, we wear high heels and mid-heels, and flats depending on what day or what function we attend.
And I believe our investment should be like that. We should have risky investment, value-driven investment, and low-risk investment depending on our goal. Like we sometimes wear high heels. And sometimes we wear flats.
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Why do I compare a 5-inch high heel to a risky investment? This also applies to our investment. We all have high heels, mid-heels, and flats. We don’t have only high heels. Some prefer high heels more than flats, maybe, but you got the idea. We don’t wear high heels all the time, nor mid-heels all the time. We alternate. Depending on what we do, sometimes we wear high heels, and sometimes we don’t.
I more likely wear high heels when I attend evening events and when I know I am going to walk a lot, I wear flats. Investment is like that too. We diversify. Diversification, that’s it. So when you look at the charts of investment categorized high, mid, value, or lower, think about high heels, mid-heels, and flats. And decide where you want to put money. We should all have some investment accounts and our 401(k) plan to learn about it. After all, money can be power. Make our lives much easier and convenient.
Financially secure gives us some happiness as well. In my opinion, we need to have economic power. It puts us in a different stage of mindset. There is nothing wrong with being well-off. After all, money is not the root of evil. We can accomplish many things with money as long as we know how to use it. So what kind of investment do you prefer?
Related post – When You Are on the Way Financially Independent
Cheers 💥😊😊